62,239 jobs match your search 62,239 jobs found

62,239 results

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Help for searching on the map

There are 3 different types of marker on the map:

  • Pointed marker

    The pointed marker indicates a precise address where there is one or more available jobs. If you move the mouse over the marker, the address is shown in a small window. If you click on the marker, a window is opened inside the map showing the available jobs at the corresponding address.

  • Round marker

    The round marking indicates a geographic area in which there is one or several available jobs. If you move the mouse over the marking, the name of the area will be displayed in a small window. If you click on the marking, a window will open in the map which displays the available jobs in the relevant area. Jobindex does not know the precise addresses for the jobs in all the job advertisements. Therefore, they will be placed under one area.

  • Cluster marker

    This marker indicates that there are several jobs concentrated in one small area. If you click on the marker, the map zooms in on the corresponding area.

If there is a number on the marker, that is indicating how many jobs the marker is covering.

When you have opened a window in the map with job ads, you can close it again by clicking on the 'x' in the upper right corner or by clicking on the map outside of the window.