Custom T-shirts & More, Fast & Free Shipping, and All-Inclusive Pricing
Why does Custom Ink need an estimate on how many items will be in the order?

Providing an estimate of how many items your group will order allows us to give you the most accurate per-item price.

  1. We know you may not have an exact number, and that’s okay! But, because Custom Ink provides automatic bulk discounts for every order, the number of items is one of the main factors in determining the the per-piece cost.

  2. It is important to note that if your group ends up ordering more or fewer items than you originally anticipated, your order will still stay on track. During checkout, you will see a balance due if your group didn’t order enough to meet your original estimate. Simply pay the balance due during checkout, and your order will be complete! Additionally, if your group ordered more items than originally estimated, you will be shown a refund due and will receive a refund from Custom Ink in the form of a physical check.